Monday, April 23, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

One of the best ways that I have found to simplify my life and keep myself organized is to plan a menu. Now last week, I did not have a menu plan. I am 33 weeks pregnant, I hurt my foot... I guess I just was not motivated enough to create a menu. And without fail - every night I was wondering, "What the heck am I making for dinner?"

Here is our schedule for this week - it's a hectic one.

Monday            - nothing
Tuesday            - work for me, softball for the hubs. My mom comes to watch the kids.
Wednesday       - work for me
Thursday           - work for me
Friday               - raquetball for hubs

Our meal plan for the week - which I plan to stick to! - is:

Monday     - Breakfast for dinner. French toast on homemade bread, eggs, fresh fruit.
Tuesday     - Keeping it simple for my mom, so chicken breast nuggets, zucchini "fries", and likely some sliced watermelon. The boys LOVE watermelon!
Wednesday - Pork chops in the crockpot, steamed broccolli, rice and homemade bread.
Thursday     - I've got some hamburger to use, so likely some lasagna in the crockpot, with some easy-steam veggies.
Friday         - Pizza night! It's become a tradition in our house. I make the dough from scratch in our bread machine, make some sauce and add whatever toppings hubs chooses. The boys and I like ours cheesy. Hubs is more adventurous.

We've got some fresh muffins for quick breakfast on days that Gavin has school, and I made some french vanilla cupcakes as a special treat today. Our crisper is filled to the BRIM with fruits and veggies, so we've got lots of healthy snacks on hand for the week.

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