Okay, I admit it. I am a yeller. To be honest, there are days where I don't yell at all. And there are other days where I yell so much that, by the time Jordan gets home, I am tired of hearing my own voice.
Last night, Gavin (my four year old) had me out of bed more times than I could count. The last time, he was screaming like he had a firey dagger shoved in his eyeball. Turns out, he just had to pee. I actually muttered the old mom-age, "If you want to scream like that because you have to use the bathroom - I'll give you something to scream about!". Sigh.
I want to have infinite patience. I really do. But I am human. I am a human who does not sleep enough and who does not eat as often as she should. I get hungry. I get tired. I get impatient.
So - I am starting my Monday morning off with a challenge. Anyone want to join me?
I will not yell at my kids. At least until Friday at 5pm when the challenge is over. I hereby reserve the right to shout and call them by name (we go to the park a few times a week and I am often calling for them). I will not yell out of anger. I will speak kindly and have a patient heart.
I think I can. I think I can.
I am with you! Let the challenge begin