Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Texting with Jen - Days 1 and 2

Jen is one of my best friends. She is hilarious and creative and has two amazing kids. She is also the kind of friend that you can call and complain and cry about your husband, kids, mom, etc... and she won't think that the target of your complaints is a total ass, no matter what you say.

Jen is joining me in my "No Yelling for a Week" challenge. Instead of losing our tempers or yelling at our kids, we've decided to text each other with exactly what we want to scream, when we want to scream it. Our conversation this week has been pretty hilarious so far.


2:46 pm M: I yelled at Masey. But not loud.

3:18 pm J: I just yelled NO!!! at Raymond. BUT, I think I get a pass on that one because he was trying to eat Windex??
3:19 pm M: Pass granted.

5:29 pm M: Insert generalized scream here. I am done.
5:30 pm J: LOL
5:30 pm M: Two hours til bed time.
5:32 pm J: I'm countin too, sista!!!

5:43 pm J: OMG
5:43 pm J: I *almost* just lost it
5:43 pm J: M put f--king princess stickers on the TV screen

6:45 pm J: So, M wouldn't eat her dinner and tried to guzzle her milk instead
6:45 pm J: Now she has water
6:45 pm J: And she refuses to eat
6:45 pm J: So she's having water for dinner
6:46 pm J: And I'm kind of glad about it

9:01 am M: I fail. I've been yelling all damn morning.

9:03 am M: I'm so pissed off
9:06 am J: Me too
9:06 am J: What are your kids doing?

9:43 am M: I swear, the boys have eaten 7 times. Gavin had the nerve to steal my toast off my plate. I'm running on coke.
9:46 am J: Well, when's nap time?
9:46 am M: 12
9:46 am J: Fuel up like a camel!!!

6:00 pm J: I seriously cannot tell where I end and my kids begin

7:05 pm J: Meg, if I make it through this day it will be a miracle
7:07 pm M: It's almost bed time! Hold on!

7:54 pm J: (She has the nerve to send me a picture of her glass of wine!) Cheers to bedtime!!!
8:02 pm J: Just the smell of it makes me sooooo happy

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