Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Catching Up

I have to admit, I am still feeling the pain of my littlest guy being so sick last week, and a really busy weekend. Yesterday, while the boys ate breakfast, I made myself a to-do list. It was a mile long.

By the end of the day, however, all but two things were crossed off! Hooray!

Yesterday was spent catching up. It was a busy day. On top of a million things to do, we had Gavin's spring concert yesterday evening. And he desperately needed a hair cut before he went on stage. So we had to squeeze in an outing after nap time. BUT - we got it done!

Yummy pineapple slices.

My handsome baking assistant.

Muffins, anyone?

The highlight of the day was certainly Gavin's concert. Nursery school performances are just so... adorable. Gavin spent the entire day insisting that he "forgot how to sing" and "only knows animal songs". So I wasn't quite sure what to expect from him when we got to the show. But he was awesome!

I am the proud mom of the kid who picked his nose on stage. Multiple times and for long durations. Hubs and I were cracking up!

Not only did Gavin remember how to sing just fine - he remembered how to sing LOUDLY. I could hear his voice over all of the other kids. He kind of ended up being the background singer at some points.

His class singing: This little light of mine...
Gavin singing: .................................LIGHT OF MINE!

Tears were streaming down my face from laughing so hard. And the woman next to me knew just which child was mine!

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