Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday - A Day of Rest (Wait, what?)

Sunday... Oh, Sunday.
A day of rest.

Rest? What the heck is that? I think Sunday's new title should be Sunday... a day of prep.

Family time passes too quickly. I am a stay-at-home-mom, so weekends are strange for me. It's kind of the same-old-same, but with hubs thrown into the mix. And of course, that changes everything! Our Monday through Friday routine sometimes goes out the window. We usually end up doing something fun, which is what the weekends are for. But by the time Sunday afternoon rolls around I am looking ahead to the week, being alone with the kids, checking out our schedule and seeing what I need to accomplish.

On Sunday, I usually try to prepare for the week. These preparations include....
  • Reading the newspaper, reviewing fliers, matching coupons to sales
  • Planning my grocery shopping
  • SOMETIMES accomplishing my grocery shopping
  • Batch-cooking some waffles or muffins for breakfast during the week
  • Slicing fruit
  • Making lunch for the hubs
Now, some weeks, I get all of this accomplished and more. Other weeks... I get nothing done. It's life, right?

This was my dining room table at 9 pm on Sunday night. Finally looking through the fliers. While waiting for rice to cook so that I could assemble and pack wraps for husband. I got about... two pages in. I'll deal with that tomorrow! (It does look like there are some good coupons, so I'll likely order some duplicates tomorrow, too.)

So what DID I get done on this day of prep?
Lunch for hubs? Check!
Waffles cooked and in freezer? Check!
AND... that's it! The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

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