My goal - or test, rather - for this week was to cut out television as much as I could. Not to make a political statement or anything, but just to see how our days went around here when we removed the time and mental energy that we devoted to TV during the day. I was noticing that I'd turn on Curious George while I was making breakfast, and before I realized it, it was 9:30 am, nothing had gotten done, Super Why! was on and Gavin was arguing with me saying, "I want to watch this!"
Now, I'm picky about what the boys watch, anyway. When choosing television for them, I stick to PBS or movies that we own. I do sometimes watch the news or weather in the morning, but let's face it - the news is depressing. I avoid channels with commercials, because it drives me NUTS to hear Gavin say, "I want that!" in reference to whatever item happens to be featured in the commercial. Seriously, he will ask for everything from Cocoa Pebbles to a My Little Pony doll if it pops up on that darn screen. I'd rather not hear it, or expose him to tons of garbage that he does not need.
I've also managed to keep my boys blissfully unaware of most television shows and characters. For the most part, I don't know what other moms are talking about when they mention their kids' favorite shows, and I'm fine with that! Kids TV irks me, so I'm picky about what I expose them to. Now, if only I could get my husband and mother-in-law to stop sabotaging my efforts... but that is another post altogether!!!
We've spent our time playing restaurant, baking, and listening to music, among many other things. The need for background noise has not bothered me as much as I anticipated it would! Plus, the boys have been getting a kick out of turning on the radio when they want some sound or music. Good thing they LOVE country music like their mama!
I think thats a good idea, I let Fae watch TV in the morning while I take a shower and Dora at night before she goes to bed. nick Jr. has no commercials and I like it since everything is educational and child friendly. But TV is way too involved with many children's lives. It's good to take a break, in fact this whole summer we wont have ANY tv haha at all! and I am kinda worried about it.